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ace-world takamatsu
2021年11月11日読了時間: 1分
make waves
Meaning: ブームを起こす、事を荒立てる For Example: ‣ Fashion designers like to make waves in the world to get attention and be recognized....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年9月16日読了時間: 1分
Spice things up
Meaning: 物事/日常をより面白くする、気分転換に For Example: ‣ Instead of staying home on weekends, we spice our lives up by going to a different park to...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年8月19日読了時間: 1分
rule(s) of thumb
Meaning: 経験則、(書かれてはないが、ほぼみんなが知っている)原則 For Example: ‣ As a rule of thumb, in Western culture like America, men open doors for women....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年6月26日読了時間: 1分
butter (someone) up
Meaning: (相手に気に入られてようとして)お世辞を言う、(何かを得ようとして)ごまをする For Example: ‣ If you want something, just tell me. I don't like that you're buttering...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年6月5日読了時間: 1分
take it with a grain of salt
Meaning: 話半分に聞く、鵜呑みにしない For Example: ‣ Just take what they said with a grain of salt because what they said may be right for them, but it...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年5月18日読了時間: 1分
a bitter bill to swallow
Meaning: 耐えなければならない嫌なこと、受け入れがたい現実 For Example: ‣ Failing is a bitter pill to swallow, but we should continue to do our best to improve...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年4月24日読了時間: 1分
like a fish out of water
Meaning: 場違いな、途方に暮れた For Example: ‣ When I traveled to another country for the first time, I felt like a fish out of water. I didn't know...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年4月10日読了時間: 1分
Wear one's heart on one's sleeve
Meaning: 自分の気持ちを包み隠さず本音で話す、感情をあらわにする For Example: ‣ I am a person that wears my heart on my sleeve because I don't like to hide who I am....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年4月3日読了時間: 1分
be/go on record
Meaning: 公表する、公言する For Example: ‣ Whatever we talk about today will not go on record, so you don't have to hold back. Tell me everything....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年3月20日読了時間: 1分
when push comes to shove
Meaning: いざとなったら、ここぞという時 For Example: ‣ She is not perfect and often makes mistakes, but when push comes to shove, she can do very well....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年3月13日読了時間: 1分
point a finger
Meaning: 非難する、他人のせいにする For Example: ‣ People often point fingers at others instead of taking responsibilities for their mistakes....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年2月27日読了時間: 1分
Call the shots
Meaning: 仕切る、決定権を持つ For Example: ‣ Unlike America, the Diet calls the shots of who will become the Prime Minister....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年2月13日読了時間: 1分
take the word out of one's mouth
Meaning: 思っていることを言う、完全に同意する For Example: ‣ When you said that dress was expensive, you took the word out of my mouth....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年1月30日読了時間: 1分
Rub salt into one's wound
Meaning: 傷口に塩を塗る、余計に傷つける For Example: ‣ She lost the competition, so don't rub salt into her wound by waving your trophy around....

ace-world takamatsu
2021年1月22日読了時間: 1分
jump the gun
Meaning: 早まったことをする、焦って何かをする For Example: ‣ Some people jump the gun when they put all their savings into one investment without talking...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年1月16日読了時間: 1分
hit the books
Meaning: (一生懸命、猛)勉強する For Example: ‣ I have a test tomorrow, so I need to hit the books. 明日テストがあるけん、猛勉強せなあかん。 ‣ In Japan, third year high...

ace-world takamatsu
2021年1月9日読了時間: 1分
Strike while the iron is hot
Meaning: 好機を逃さないで、善は急げ For Example: ‣ You have to strike while the iron is hot or else it will be a while when another great opportunity...

ace-world takamatsu
2020年12月25日読了時間: 1分
Hit the nail on the head
Meaning: 的を得る、図星を指す For Example: ‣ When the manager said that the company might have a new CEO, he hit the nail on the head....

ace-world takamatsu
2020年12月12日読了時間: 1分
bend over backwards
Meaning: (他の人のために)一生懸命~する、全力を尽くす For Example: ‣ Although he bent over backwards to help the new hire get adjusted, she never thanked him...

ace-world takamatsu
2020年12月5日読了時間: 1分
burn the midnight oil
Meaning: 夜更かしして働く/勉強する For Example: ‣ An important client will be arriving tomorrow, so everyone has to burn the midnight oil to complete...
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