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ace-world takamatsu
2020年11月28日読了時間: 1分
let one's hair down
Meaning: 羽を伸ばす、本音を出す、くつろぐ For Example: ‣ After a long day at work, everyone let their hair down at the company's Christmas party....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年11月21日読了時間: 1分
play one's cards right
Meaning: 上手に立ち回る、的確に物事を対処する For Example: ‣ If you play your cards right, you could become a manager by next year....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年11月10日読了時間: 1分
read between the lines
Meaning: 空気を読む、言葉の真意を理解する For Example: ‣ My mother said she's doing well, but reading between the lines I don't think she's doing all...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年10月23日読了時間: 1分
keep one's word
Meaning: 約束を守る、誓う For Example: ‣ When I say I will do something, I always keep my word. 僕がすると言ったことは、必ず成し遂げます。 ‣ I appreciate a person who...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年10月10日読了時間: 1分
on top of the world
Meaning: 有頂天になって、天にも昇る気分、最高の気分 For Example: ‣ He was on top of the world after he received the Nobel Prize for his humanitarian work....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年10月1日読了時間: 1分
wear many hats
Meaning: 様々な役割をこなす、様々な顔を持つ For Example: ‣ My mother wears many hats: a mother, a wife, a businesswoman, and a volunteer....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年10月1日読了時間: 1分
Hold your horses.
Meaning: 落ち着いて、待って For Example: ‣ Please hold your horses, so that we could go through this meeting in a timely manner....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年9月19日読了時間: 1分
the whole nine yards
Meaning: 何もかも、全部 For Example: ‣ I love my family. For them, I will go the whole nine yards. 家族のこと愛しとるけん、家族のためなら全力尽くすで。 ‣ A person who...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年9月16日読了時間: 1分
come rain or shine
Meaning: 何があっても、何が起こっても For Example: ‣ Her son visits her every Christmas. He never misses it, come rain or shine....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年9月12日読了時間: 1分
Hang in there.
Meaning: あきらめないで、もう少しの辛抱だよ For Example: ‣ Although you didn't get the job, hang in there! I know you will get into one eventually....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年9月2日読了時間: 1分
a hot potato
Meaning: 取り扱いしにくい問題、厄介なこと For Example: ‣ My English teacher often brings up hot potatoes like abortion and euthanasia in class to discuss...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月29日読了時間: 1分
red-letter day
Meaning: 記念すべき日、おめでたい日 For Example: ‣ Tomorrow is our red-letter day, our 10th anniversary. 明日は私たちの記念日、10回目の結婚記念日よ。 ‣ How shall we...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月29日読了時間: 1分
dog days
Meaning: 盛夏、夏の最も暑い時期 For Example: ‣ It feels like dog days we have during summer keep increasing. No wonder so many people are getting...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月21日読了時間: 1分
eat like a horse
Meaning: 大食いである、馬食する For Example: ‣ Even though she eats like a horse, she doesn't seem to gain any weight. 彼女はとても大食いだが、全く太る気配がない。 ‣...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月19日読了時間: 1分
I could eat a horse
Meaning: おなかがペコペコである。すごくおなかが空いた。 For Example: ‣ I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning, so I'm so hungry that I could eat a...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月8日読了時間: 1分
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Meaning: 一旦はじめたら、最後までやり遂げなければならない、乗り掛かった船 For Example: ‣ I realized that I chose wrong classmates for a group project a week after we...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月7日読了時間: 1分
money doesn't grow on trees
Meaning: お金はそう簡単に手に入るものではない。 For Example: ‣ My mother has never given me allowances for nothing. She made me earn them by doing some...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年8月1日読了時間: 1分
like a bat out of hell
Meaning: 猛スピードで、大急ぎで For Example: ‣ When Eric told Jenny that there is a spider right next to her, she moved like a bat out of hell....
ace-world takamatsu
2020年7月30日読了時間: 1分
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Meaning: やる気のない人に何を言っても無駄だ。 For Example: ‣ I bought all kinds of toys for my cat, but she was only interested in the wrappings. Well, I...
ace-world takamatsu
2020年7月29日読了時間: 1分
crocodile tears
Meaning: ウソ泣き、泣き真似 For Example: ‣ Whenever my daughter doesn't get what she wants, she would go up to her grandfather and cries crocodile...
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